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Here at Foundation for Cross-Cultural Collaboration (FC3), we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support. Since our founding in 2018, we have been determined to make an impact. The core of our efforts is to bring our team’s dedication and passion to improving adult literacy in Pakistan. We hope that you will see the 
conviction behind our beliefs.


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CRA Registered Charity (Canada): 77858 478 RR0001

Home: Who We Are


FC3's three pillars include the funding of Adult Literacy Centres, Teacher Training, and Community Engagement in Canada to bring awareness to the need for literacy in Pakistan.



The positive impact for learners and their families and communities is measured by the increase in their quality of life.  Read more about the development and operation of literacy centres  below. 



Our goal is to provide opportunities for local teachers through access to  resources and support from FC3. Teachers become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential.



FC3 is dedicated to stepping up our efforts in bringing communities together to enhance the value of adult literacy. Through community empowerment we believe we can facilitate progress in adult literacy. 

Home: What We Do
Adult Literacy in Pakistan

In 2000, Pakistan signed the Dakar Framework of Action on Education and committed to achieve 100% enrollment at primary level schools and increase its literacy rate up to 86% by 2015. Simultaneously, the Ministry of Education also instituted the National Plan of Action for the Achievement of Education for All.   All of this was in response to the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


The country  needed a strategy and a national level organization to lead the movement for Universal Primary Education (UPE) and promotion of literacy.  As such, the National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) was established to support and augment human development efforts in Pakistan, especially primary education, literacy, poverty alleviation and provision of primary health care.


FC3 works directly with NCHD to establish Adult Literacy Centres that bridge the gaps identified through research and in consultation with stakeholders.


There are around 64 million adults who are illiterate (ages 10+) and 5.2 million out of school children of primary age (ages 5 to 9). According to the Economic Survey of Pakistan 2016-17, the overall literacy rate of the country is 58%. In rural areas, the literacy rate is 49% versus 74% in urban areas. Pakistan is one of the least literate countries in Asia and the fourth largest contributor to the world’s non-literate population.


NCHD started its literacy programs in 2002 and now operates in 134 districts. with over 164,000 literacy centres serving almost 4 million adults. NCHD was awarded UNESCO's International Reading Association’s Literacy Award in 2006. Most of the beneficiaries of the NCHD program have been women. This is a direct outcome of NCHD’s efforts in mobilizing the female population in a bid to redress the imbalance in educational opportunities between men and women.


In addition to reading, writing, and numeracy, the program now includes life skills and livelihood/income generation skills and is now referred to as a Functional Literacy Program:


This Functional Literacy program was launched by NCHD in 2017. The first classes are in Basic Literacy and Numeracy and teach the learners how to read, write, and make simple calculations. This  prepares them for the next two levels - Life Skills and Livelihood/Income Generation skills. The main objective of imparting life skills is to provide learners with appropriate knowledge for self-fulfillment, poverty alleviation, and improved living standards. It will help promote the grassroots communities’ involvement in social, economic, and political activities. NCHD’s  syllabus has been developed after comprehensive research and field-testing processes. It is the only Ministry of Education approved syllabus for literacy in Pakistan.


After completing the course, the graduates of the literacy centre should be able to achieve these learning indicators: 

  • Read and comprehend a simple paragraph or a newspaper.

  • Write 5-7 sentences about their immediate environment or a simple theme.

  • Handle three-digit figures, i.e., add, subtract, multiply, and divide.


The duration of the basic literacy course is 120 working days at 3 hours per day (360 Hours).


 The process starts with clustering of the intervention area as the centres need to be within a 10 to 15 Km radius for easy monitoring and support by the female local area supervisor. The other standard steps leading to establishment and functioning of literacy centres are as follows: 

  • Preparation of district literacy profile.

  • Area Clustering/identification.

  • Social Mobilization of local communities.

  • Identification, hiring, and training of Local Area Supervisors.

  • Identification of potential learners.

  • Identification of Teachers with appropriate training.

  • Baseline Assessment of the learners.

  • Issuing books and materials.

  • Centre Opening Ceremony

  • Formation of Literacy Management Committee (LMC)


When FC3 raises the funds to initiate a Learning Centre, it means that more under-served communities can benefit from their residents undertaking Basic and Functional Literacy programs. Each 360 hour program costs approximates $3500.00 CDN and can support between 70 and 110 learners.

 "Literacy is the road to human progress and the means through which every man, woman, and child can realize his or her full potential."

Kofi Annan, Former United Nations Secretary-General

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Our Board is Guided by our Values

The FC3 Team is grounded in a strong foundation of GRATITUDE and HUMILITY as we work together as a truly COLLABORATIVE team with a clear focus on CITIZENSHIP and SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.  We appreciate EXCELLENCE and PERSEVERANCE just as much as we practice FORGIVENESS and MERCY.  We honour DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION, and BELONGING and use this framework to ENCOURAGE DIALOGUE and BUILD CONNECTIONS. 


Murad Ali

I am a Financial & Facility Management professional with an MBA, FMP (Facility Management Professional) certification, and RPA (Real Property Administrator) designation with over 27 years of experience with local and international corporate and nonprofit organizations in facility management, financial management, and internal audit.  During my 17 years working with nonprofits I managed projects financed by bi-lateral and multi-lateral funders like World Bank, EU, USAID, CIDA, AusAID, ADB, and DFID (UKAid). Service work gives me immense pleasure from the inside and I consider it an obligation to share whatever resources I have with those who need them the most. I feel privileged to be a part of this FC3 movement. I would love to see FC3 touch the lives of as many people as possible.

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